Uneventful Poker and a Post about Recent Events

Week 6 was uneventful, poker-wise. New wise... obviously different.

I finished in 4th. Host finished in 5th. Current points leader finished 3rd. I drop one point behind the leader (3 points behind), put an additional point between myself and Host. Still a lot of poker to be played.

The news of the evening (found out on my way home from poker) was that Osama Bin Laden was killed in a US raid. It really didn't do much for me last night. I actually thought it was news that occured earlier, so I didn't rush home and turn on the news or anything. I just figured I'd find out everything on Monday.

Monday I was reading all I could. It really hit me emotionally a few times. I knew no one who died on September 11th. I was worried for most of the day because my brother would go to the Towers a few times a week for work. Later on in the day, I heard from my parents that he wasn't there. I knew people who knew people, but no one I knew directly.

The emotion that hit me was mixed. Sad for all the senseless violence in the world... but also a feeling of pride for my country. I was listening to Mike & Mike and they were replaying the clips from the Mets vs Phillies game when people were finding out. The "USA" chant that went through the crowd. It's sad that it takes something of this magnitued to unite our Nation.

I used to follow politics. But the stupid crap that Clinton pulled at the end of his presidency, followed by 8 years* of Bush, and our country has become so insanely polarized. It's scary. If your political party didn't do it, it can't be good.

Listening to people bitch about how Obama is trying to take all the credit, how dare he get an Islamic burial, why are we rejoicing when it took almost 10 years, how now we're less safe because of it. Its petty politics. People are not happy it didn't happen under a republican's watch. Hell, I saw a post on Facebook that read, "It's the best thing he could do as president. Especially considering Clinton couldn't do that all those years ago." No mention that he eluded capture during Bush's administration, and just points out the fact that Clinton didn't authorize a predator drone to take him before 9/11 happened. And I'm not putting this on the Republicans only. Unfortunately, I feel the response would be the same if happened under a Republican presidency (shudder!).

Our country is so divided right now. I don't know if it will ever heal.

-My name is Unimpressed, and that is all.