I Told You...

I made a small deposit on FTP tonight, and I started playing again. I'd been jonesin' to start playing again, more than just the league.

I'm not a fan of online poker but it's where you can play anytime for small stakes.

I started playing some $6.50 turbo 6 handed SnGs and booted up a .25/.50 short handed NLHE table.

The turbo's showed me no love. I played two and didn't cash. Minus $13.

At the cash game, I had better luck. I started with $20, which was about average stack, though one person have over $100. Over 45 minutes, I played about 50+ hands.

Five hands in, I'm dealt KhKc in the SB. UTG limps, button limps, and I make it $2.50. Both Limpers call. The flop is 8d-3s-Qh. I decide to check, hoping for a check raise. The pot is $8, and UTG bets $5. Button calls. I make is $16.50 , which puts SB all-in, but the BUtton has $45 behind him. UTG calls, button folds, and UTG Shows Qc,Js. I take down a $40 pot.

The next hand I have KJo and raise it on the Button to 1.75. SB Ships for $11 more so I fold.

Ten hands later I'm given another big pair. The ladies. QcQd. I'm UTG and make it the standard pot bet (1.75). The BB calls (BB was the Button on the KK hand). Flop comes 664 rainbow. BB Checks, and bet 3.00 (Just under a pot bet). BB calls. The turn is not the prettiest of cards, 5c, putting a flush draw out there. BB Checks and I fire a more than 1/2 pot bet (6.50 into 9.75). BB Calls. The river is a 3s, no flush, but putting a 4 card straight out there. Is he calling with a 7? Unlikely, but could have trips already. The BB Checks, and I decide to check and let my QQ do the talking. They talk loud enough and I scoop a $20 pot. The BB had Js4s.

At about the 20 hand mark, I win 4 small pots in a row. Including, completing the trifecta of top pair hands when I get AA and take down the blinds.

So, in case I thought I was playing awesome, in 25 hands, I had QQ, KK, AA.

At hand 35, I'm dealt 2 Black Aces on the button. Sweet!

UTG+1 raises to $2.00. I make it 6.75 from the button. The BB pushes all-in ($17) and the initial raiser tanks for a few seconds before he pushes in. I insta-call. I'm up against the BB's KK and UTG+1's AJ. I sweat the river, as there's a chance at a split pot with AJ, but it bricks and I take another $40+ pot.

The last big hand of the night comes against the other big stack. I have $80 and he had $140. UTG I'm dealt 4c,4h. I limp. Big Stack makes it $2.50. The BB calls (He's been in a few of my big hands). The Big Stack has been playing really tight, letting people hang themselves. I've been avoiding him, but with the BB calling, I'm not ready to throw the pair away yet.

I hit near perfect. 3h-4d-3s. Now I have to decide how to string him along. I could lead out. That would be tricky. But if he has nothing, he will probably fold. I'm hoping he'll C-Bet with anything. He's played pretty tight, which is why I've avoided him so far.

Big Stack bets 5.50 into a 7.75 bet. He really hasn't played many hands yet, and I'm not sure if this is standard for him. BB gets out of the way. I just call.

Wait, did I say near perfect? I'm mistaken. The 4s on the turn gives me Quads. DEMS QUADS BITCHES! I decide to check again. See if he'll bet. He does. $12.50 into a $18.75 pot. Now, I'm REALLY at a quandry about what to do. Do I check raise here and hope he has something. I doubt he'll call or push with anything but a huge pair. I opt to let him catch up and just call. I'll bet out on the river. I don't think I can check it and let him check behind. The last card is about as good as I can hope for. 3c. A Boat on the board. I think for a few seconds, before I bet about 1/2 pot. He insta-mucks. I shoulda bet bigger, make it look like I was trying to push him off playing the board. Another $40+ pot my way.

I won a few small pots. The only one worth mentioning was a SB vs BB hand. I had 6c8c in the SB and it folds to me. I just limp. The BB makes it $2.00 and I call. The flop is 8d-Kd-7c. I check, planning to check-raise a C-bet. He bets 1/2 the pot. I raise him enough to pretty much put him all in. He folds and I win $8.

So I ran well, to say the least, in the cash game, turning $20 into $100.

Now, despite getting beaten over the head with the deck, I have to remember, the key to these low stakes games is patience. Wait for the big hands. People will play poorly and give you their money. Trust me, I know... I'm usually giving away my money when I re-raise with my KJ.

I haven't had the patience in my league, maybe I can turn over a new leaf. Patience pays off. So does getting KK, QQ, AK, and AA in 25 hands.

-My name is Unimpressed, and I'm an donkaholic.


Yuck. I don't know what happened to my blog, but that format exploded in a barrage of bad links, so I'm in the process of editing and deciding on new format.

For now, I'm off to read some poker blogs. I have a bunch in my old bloglines account. But I haven't read a poker blog in a long time. I'm off to find some good ones.

Anyone know any good ones on strategy?

-My name is Unimpressed, and I'm an donkaholic.

Back... for a little while anyway.

I rejoined the league again. We're almost half way through and I have yet to win. I managed a second once. Unfortunately, there are only 6 people in the league this run; me, host, drunky, muscles, tiltbox, and a New Kid.

We just finished Week 7. Host has finished 2nd almost every week. New Kid has managed a couple of wins. Drunky has busted 1st every time but once. I'm in third (out of 6, it isn't great). Host isn't likely to make too many mistakes so I need to play better the second half and manage a few wins if I want to compete.

The problem is that I have been playing bad. In the first 2 weeks I think I played ok. Managing to lose only a little in cold deck situations but wasn't getting hands when I needed it.

After those weeks, I just started playing bad. Too many bluffs, loose calls, too few continuation bets. Bad timing on hands doesn't help either.

Two weeks ago I busted to the big stack when I raised 2x in position w JJ. Muscles called. The flop came Q 8 4. My stack had about 2-3 times the pot. I figured I couldn't bet then fold to a re-raise, so I pushed and ran into AQ.

Not. Much could have been done about that had. Last week, 3 handed on the button and pretty short (about 8x in my stack), I have K9. I figure I can pick up the blinds, so I shove. Drunky (SB) thinks a moment then calls (I have him covered). Tiltbox tanks. He doesn't want to call 2 all-ins but has a mountain of chips. He finally calls, and I'm somewhat relieved to see 77. Unfortunately, Drunky has A9. I sheepishly flip over my cards and tell them, "I was just funnin'". The flop has a K but also an Ace. Drunky triples up and I'm crippled (2x BB) and bust out the next hand when I'm BB.

So another 9 weeks of the league and I'll probably take a break after that. Maybe stick to the occasional monthly home game and hit the casino when I can save some scratch.