Mondays at the Hoy (some live blogging)

I'm putting together a post about my Donkament win on Friday, but tonight I'll be live blogging the MATH.
There are 55 players in the Hoy tonight. It's a $24+2, and I probably should have just bought in, as I ran completely dry this weekend trying to get the token. I finally managed to win one about an hour and a half before the event. A 4 person Heads Up Shootout. The first match was a tough one. I managed to get through my first opponent and apparently God loves an Atheist, because I ran golden. I seriously hit almost every flop. Now my opponent made some mistakes in being VERY passive and didn't bet that strongly so a few times by just checking or calling small bets I'd hit by the river. Finally, the last hand. He raised I called, flop was K-9-x. I had KJ. All the chips went in the middle and he had K9. The Turn was an Ace giving me 3 more outs, which I didn't need as I spiked a jack. And he tilted, but it didn't matter, I got my token.
So the Hoy started. As I'm relatively new to the Blogger Tournaments, I don't know many of the people at my table.

From my spot, going clockwise.
RecessRampage (I recognize)
ChapelncHill (recognize)
wwonka69 (recognize)
PokerBrian322 (not a blogger, but a buddy of mine- host of the "monthly" homegame).

How lucky or unlucky that he's to my right. Not sure honw I'm going to play him.

About 20 minutes in, and I'm slowly building a stack- 3450 (starting was 3000). But it's going to be a tough tournament.

Now one of the great things about the Blogger Tournaments has go to be BuddyDank's radio show. Good music (usually- stop w/ the F'in ABBA!) and fun commentary.

Oops. Out is bayne_s. The Gigli. Willwonka was moved to the empty spot at our table.
Next out was Miami Don. I lost a chunk of chips bluffing at a pot.
Iakaris - tried to drop the hammer on Buddy Dank. Buddy had Jacks.
IslandBum1 also busted.
Here's a weird note, every time I get into a pot, my buddy PokerBrian322 and ChapelncHill are in it too.
ChapelncHill was almost out but he was a pip away from a royal. AKQJ9 spades
45 minute mark and I've been playing horribly. I'm down to 935 in chips with the blinds 40/80. I'm 50 out of 50 :(
wilwonka went out to wwonka69... fixed! :)
Blinds are 50/100 and I have 1055, but I'm in the BB next). With 23 no less :(
Whew. Woke up in the CO w/ AQ. My buddy Slappy raises to 500, I push my last 900. He calls with AT. At first all I see is the T on the flop. Then I see the Q right next to it. Double up and at 1900. Back in. HERPES LIVES!!!
First Break. 40/44.
Papi Justify
all busted as well.
Made a bad call as soon as we started up. Early position raised and I called with QhJh. Flop missed and I had to let it go. With only 1300 left. However, made up for it. KK in early position. Limped. Fold, raise, some folds, call from the button, fold to me, I push. Raiser folds and caller calls with AQ. I more than double to 3060.
I continue to donk. Down to 1300 when I tried to continuation bet half of my stack on a missed board :(
I had about 1000 chips left on the Button (couldn't even get pushable hands in the blinds (in the SB had raises and re-raises). Got Jacks on the button, pushed, UTG (who raised) called and had KQ. I doubled up.
I outlasted my buddy, Slappy (aka PokerBrian322)
Alceste (the only "blogger" from these I ever met)
chapelncHill --- who I knocked out.
Chapel limps from the CO with only about 800. Folds to me. I limp w/ KQ suited. HighonPoker in the BB checks. I flop the straight 9TJ (2 diamonds). I check, HoP checks, Chapel pushes, I minraise and HoP calls. Turn is a blank. I push, HoP unfortunately folds. I knock out Chapel and have over 5k.

I actually have decent chips, 16/30, but blinds are 120/240 ante 25
Points bubble and I'm at 7000 chips. Points don't matter to me as I haven't played in barely any BBT events.
NewinNov (bubble)
Mike_Maloney ---- I busted him. Blinds 150/300 a25. MM raises to 900 from early. Astin calls, I call w/ pocket Tens. HighonPoker calls for 750 in the SB. BB folds.

Flop is 7c-5h-9d. MM pushes in his last 5K (an over bet). Astin folds, I call and HoP folds. MM has TdJd for not much. A little sweat comes on the turn in the form over another 9 for a flush draw, but he doesn't get there and I have over 15k in chips.
And a quick check. I'M THE CHIPLEADER.
Up to 2nd break now.
columbo --- ante up nation!
smokkee --- I busted him right before the break. He had about 5k. Blinds are 200/400 a 50. He limps in. Another player limps in. I check w/ 82. Flop comes Kd-2d-8x. I bet pretty much putting smokkee all in. He pushes, other player folds and I call like 200. He has 7d8d. He doesn't get his flush. I'm in 2nd. Two tables left.

And we're off. Lets see if I can continue this run. Top 7 spots pay.
250/500 a50.
I lost some chips and was down to 8k, by playing a bit lose and firing continuation bets that didn't work. However I doubled up to 18k with 22 vs KQ. I limped. Button raised, I pushed, he thought, then called. He didn't get any help.
2 of 13 - blinds are 300/600 a75
and... Unimpressed in 9th.
Well I made the final table, in the middle of a hand. horrible play. As7s in the BB. RakeFeeder pushes all in in the SB. I call. He's been so tight, I can't believe I called. He has AQ. As he's raking my chips, we make it to the final table.

I actually stupidly fold A4 in the SB when someone from MP raises. I end up pushing all in when it folds to me on the button (mind you have I have 1264 w/ blinds 400/800 a100) and I have T8. SB folds and BB only has to call 300 more. Heffmike has A5 he doesn't improve, but he does... to a boat.

I think this is my 2nd time playing in the Hoy and my 2nd Final Table, and my 2nd time not cashing. Oh well.

Good luck everyone.
Rake Feeder (guess my chips did him no good)
I'm a little disappointed in the final table. Even though it didn't really need to be (except for a few players), it became an all-in-fest. Every hand. Thought I was watching the WPT.
I jumped into a 11+2 SnG and was pretty card dead and finished out of the money in 5th.
cracknaces finished in 5th
heffmike in 4th
HighOnPoker in 3rd.
At the moment FishyMcDonk (40k) vs Cmitch (124k)
It ended in a classic race: Fishy w/ TT and Cmith w/ AK. Rivers an Ace and Cmitch takes it down.


Good night everybody.