New Format

I'm really diggin on the new beta format. Hope you guys don't mind the green. Reminds me of money!

Trying to slow down my online poker playing. Haven't been spending that much quality time with the Mrs. recently. Basically we put our daughter to bed, maybe watch TV show or two together, then I'm in the other room playing poker and Xbox. Want to re-establish some intimacy. I don't want it to start to feel like we're room mates.

With that said, Lost and the Nine are on tonight. Awesome shows. I'll get back from school during the middle of Lost, so with the marvel of TiVo, we'll just start watching when I get home.

How did people survive without TiVo?

I'm also falling behind on all my poker podcasts because my Ipod is in the shop! How did we function without Ipods???